Countdown and Person’s Badge

[span color=”red”]Don’t[/span] miss it!

[countdown date=”01/23/2014″ time=”10:00 am” place=”Manhattan, NY 10001, USA”]Gummi bears wafer marzipan jelly-o candy canes croissant carrot cake. Liquorice tiramisu sesame snaps dragée pudding chocolate bar liquorice. Wafer liquorice cheesecake icing tart pudding cotton candy gummi bears. Caramels tart sweet muffin marshmallow caramels oat cake sweet.[/countdown]

Meet this person!

[person name=”Rev. Homer Simpson” position=”Senior pastor” image=”” phone=”455.346.6994 ext. 121″ skype=”” email=”” url=””]The Rev. Homer Simpson is a native of Central Florida and is a graduate of the University of Florida and Reformed Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Terely, have twenty nine children. Chocolate cake chupa chups tootsie roll carrot cake gingerbread. [/person]

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